Truffle hunt, song & tea

Naturally evolved over the last dozen years. Once the truffle site's have been established and maybe encouraged ; its created the stage for small party, around the hunt. Maybe just family and friends or a more formal day .
Twenty people or five; The day is very much in the hands of the host who either owns the land or has secured permission to hunt for the day; the food can either be a simple, and often the best English winter uncinatum truffle, lightly stormed by heat and butter ; then served over the most highly processed white toast. Its hard to improve on ; we have tried. From Mark Hix’s library to sea side Oyster’s in a Temple. Truffle does love fish ; how the fish ever feel’s about that; I don’t want to know. I enjoy the simplicity of cooking quickly with the truffle after the hunt and more than food the flavour bring fourth a story from sometime forgotten. The day is ending ; light is vanishing ; as we feast and it tickle arms like branches from the trees.
Then home.
My charges remain the same for these days £150.00 plus travel.